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Campaign for Judical Integrity Videos


Dramatic twelve part series of interviews of Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D. and others by Leslie Dutton of the Full Disclosure Network. The series commenced with an interview the day before Fine was illegally imprisoned in 18 months of coercive, solitary confinement in the LA County Jail and ended after Fine's release. The series highlights the corruption in the judicial system and the ways to solve the problem.  ​

A series of videos recorded by William Wagener showing Dr. Richard I. Fine's address to the Freedom Law School on March 10, 2013 upon receiving Award of Champion of Truth and Justice. The address outlines and explains the corruption in the judiciary, judicial retaliation, how to combat void decisions, and what we can do to remove corrupt judges and stop the corruption. 


A video showing Sterling Norris of Judicial Watch being interviewed by Leslie Dutton of the Full Disclosure Network on California county illegal payments to judges and disclosing groups supporting such illegal payments.   

Series of videos about Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D. as a political prisoner for exposing the illegal payments from counties to California judges and the judges retaliation by illegally incarcerating him in solitary, coercive confinement in the LA County Jail for 18 months. The videos show jail house interviews of Fine with  Alex Jones, and the Full Disclosure Network and interviews with others. Additionally, the the torture complaint submitted to the United Nations on behalf of Fine is discussed , amongst other subjects. 

Series of videos showing "How to Set Aside a Void Judgment by Researching Facts"  by Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D., tens of thousands of violations of law due to illegal payments to judges and their actions by Professor Daniel Gottlieb and why judicial retaliation is important to you by Fred Sottile.   ​

Two part video of the the Full Disclosure Network interview with Alan Parachini, former LA Superior Court Public Information Officer, in which he admits that the LA Superior Court judges admitted to having a "visceral hatred against Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D. (Fine), wanting "revenge" against Fine, wanting to "silence" Fine and wanting "to take Fine out of circulation" for his exposing and keeping the judicial benefits [illegal payments] issue before the courts and Legislature. He also admitted that these were the reasons that LA Superior Court Judge David P. Yaffe ordered the illegal coercive, solitary incarceration of Fine in the LA County Jail and kept him there for 18 months.


Other video interviews with former LA Sheriff Sgt. Richard Valdemar and Janet Levy, National Security Expert describe the harsh environment of the LA County Jail and the treatment of Dr. Fine stating that such is worse than "Gitmo" and Larry John's complaint to the United Nations outining the torture of Dr. Fine by denying him basic human rights.   ​

CNN interviews Dr. Fine in the LA County Jail in April, 2010, 14 months after he was illegally incarcerated in coercive, solitary confinement for an indefinite period of time. Dr. Fine sets forth the facts of the corruption of the LA Superior Court judges by the illegal LA County payments which are "bribes" and violate federal criminal law.


The authorities could NEVER make an allegation of a criminal violation against Dr. Fine in this case.


Dr. Fine's wife and daughter comment on the malicious abuse of power that illegally incarcerated Dr. Fine.


Sterling Norris of Judicial Watch comments about the fact that the California court held the payments by counties to judges to violate Article 6, Section 19 of the California Constitution, thereby vindicating Dr. Fine's position that such payments were and are illegal. The California Legislature then enacted SBX 2 11 which gave the judges retractive immunity from criminal prosecution, civil liability and disciplinary action. All of this occurred before Fine was incarcerated.   


LA Superior Court Judge David P. Yaffe who ordered Dr. Fine's illegal incarceration refused to be interviewed as did anyone from the LA Superior Court.

Joseph Carlucci of the California State Bar made statements about Dr. Fine which the California State Bar and California State Bar Court judges later showed to be false by admitting in court papers that Fine's disbarment was not for the charges made against him in the Notice of Disciplinary Charges, making the disbarment a fraud.


Subsequently the California State Bar did not file any oppositions to Fine's motions in the California Supreme Court to set aside the void order of disbarment and wrote to the California Supreme Court justices stating that the California State Bar elected to not respond Fine's motion to set aside the void order of disbarment made on the grounds of fraud upon the court.


Victoria Fine's letter to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts to Free her Father is set forth.

Radio Interview of Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D. by Kim Greenwood of It's Rainmaking Time. The interview explores the history of judicial corruption, how you can combat the corruption in your own case, how you can void a judgment, and how you can remove judicial corruption.   ​

Deborah J. Whitman's interview of Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D. showing how individuals can uncover and fight judicial corruption in their own cases, disqualify judges and set aside void decisions where judicial corruption occurred. 

Paul Volker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve in a speech at the 2013 IBA’s Annual Conference in Boston, stated that while viewing itself as an exemplar of the rule of law, America is in reality suffering from widespread and growing corruption, failures of governance and a ‘distorted political process’ overly dependent on wealthy funders.


‘The successful attack on corruption depends upon a strong sense of rule of law, but it’s equally true that widespread corruption makes a strong rule of law an impossible dream,’ ..... ‘You carry the full weight of a long respected and honoured tradition. If we fail to maintain an effective rule of law and a strong defence against corruption, two sides of the same coin, then you can hardly escape complicity.’  

Playlists of You Tube videos compiled by individuals on Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D., court corruption, how court corruption affects you and how you can protect yourself.  




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